Your affordable supplementary hospital insurance with free choice of hospital throughout Switzerland. Stay in a shared room (general ward) including additional services such as contributions to treatments or household help.

Premium calculator
  • Stay in the general ward (multi-bed room)
  • Child care service during your hospital stay
  • Cost contributions for bathing and relaxation treatments

Insured services

Helsana will reimburse you for the following services in addition to the statutory benefits of the basic insurance from the HOSPITAL ECO supplementary hospital insurance:

Hospital stays in Switzerland
You receive 100% of the costs in the general ward including free choice of hospital throughout Switzerland.
Hospital stays abroad
You will receive up to a maximum of 500 francs per day for a maximum of 60 days per calendar year for hospital stays abroad.
Bath and relaxation treatments
You will receive 30 francs per day for a maximum of 30 days per calendar year for bathing and relaxation treatments in Switzerland.
Household help
You will receive 30 francs per day for a maximum of 30 days per calendar year for household help.
Nanny Service (child care service)
You will receive a maximum of 30 hours of nanny service per calendar year if you have to be hospitalized as an inpatient.
KidsCare (child care)
If your child has an accident or becomes ill, you will receive a maximum of 30 hours of KidsCare per calendar year.
Acute and transitional care
You will receive up to 90 francs per day for a maximum of 14 days per calendar year for accommodation and meals during inpatient acute or transitional care in a nursing home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need dental insurance?
Basic insurance generally only pays for dental damage caused by an accident - and only if no other insurance (such as the employer's accident insurance) covers it. You have to pay for practically all other dental treatments yourself. However, a visit to the dentist in Switzerland can quickly become very expensive.
Can I also get treatment abroad?
DENTAplus is valid worldwide. You can therefore also have dental treatments carried out in a dental practice abroad. Provided that the foreign dentist has equivalent training to dentists in Switzerland. You will receive the actual costs up to the amount that you would have received for the same treatment in Switzerland.
Do I have to fill out a health declaration to take out DENTAplus?
In principle, we require a health declaration for all supplementary insurance. However, we do not do this for children up to 3 years old. We also make an exception for the Light version. You can complete this without a health examination or dental certificate.
Who can take out this insurance?
You can take out the insurance if you meet the following requirements:
You live in Switzerland (official residence).
You are younger than 65 years at the start of the insurance.
You will receive a positive acceptance letter from us. To assess the risk, we need your fully completed health declaration. However, we do not carry out a health check for the Light variant and for children up to 3 years old.
When can I cancel the insurance?
The minimum term is one year. The contract is automatically extended for another year each year when it expires.
You can cancel the insurance on December 31st and switch to another health insurance company in Switzerland. A notice period of three months applies. The notice of termination must be received by us no later than the last working day in September. If the insurance premium changes, a one-month notice period applies. We must then receive the notice of termination by the last working day in November at the latest.
Is there a waiting period?
A waiting period is the time (from the beginning of a contract) during which you are not yet entitled to insurance benefits. The length of a waiting period can vary depending on the insurance benefit.
A general waiting period of six months applies to this insurance. This means that you can only receive benefits six months after taking out the insurance at the earliest. The date of treatment is crucial.
How can I save on premiums?
For two family members insured under the same contract, we grant a 5% family discount on this and other additional insurance policies. There is a 10% family discount for three people or more.