If you have already taken out COMPLETA, you can expand your insurance coverage cheaply with COMPLETA Plus. You receive additional cost contributions for health promotion, complementary medicine, glasses, prevention and more.

Premium calculator
  • 200 francs per year for glasses, frames and contact lenses
  • Cost contributions for health promotion
  • Cost contributions for complementary medicine

Insured services

Helsana Versicherungen AG will reimburse you for the following services from the COMPLETA Plus supplementary insurance in addition to the statutory benefits of the basic insurance and the COMPLETA outpatient supplementary insurance:

Complementary medicine
15% reimbursement of uncovered costs from COMPLETA, up to a maximum of CHF 500, excluding medicinal products or inpatient treatment.

75% reimbursement of costs max. 500.– / year. For certain therapists and therapy methods (e.g. ASCA, Ayurveda) which are not covered by COMPLETA.

Glasses and contact lenses
You receive 90%, max. CHF 200 per year (incl. frame) Laser eye surgery: 100% of the costs up to CHF 500 per eye per year (waiting period 12 months)
Special forms of treatment
You will receive 100% of the uncovered costs from COMPLETA (if the maximum amount of CHF 4,500 from COMPLETA has not been exhausted). For special forms of treatment such as non-medical psychotherapy, sterilization and vasectomy, etc.
Search operations in Switzerland
100% reimbursement of costs max. CHF 30,000 / year. In addition to the costs of domestic rescue, rescue and emergency transport from COMPLETA, Helsana will pay a maximum of CHF 30,000 per insured person and benefit case for search operations in Switzerland that are undertaken with a view to rescuing or rescuing the insured person.
Health promotion
75% reimbursement of uncovered costs from COMPLETA, max. CHF 200/calendar year for all areas combined.

For baby swimming and children's swimming up to 5 years old.
Medical precautions (prevention)
In addition to the benefits from COMPLETA, you will receive 90% max. CHF 500 per calendar year. In addition to COMPLETA, for medical preventive services such as: E.g. vaccinations, cardiovascular check-ups, ultrasound examinations, examinations for the early detection of cancer, smoking cessation, etc.
Treatment abroad
90% reimbursement of costs max. CHF 1000.– / calendar year-

• Up to a maximum of CHF 1000.– per year for outpatient medical or medically prescribed treatment carried out specifically abroad (i.e. no emergencies). Complementary medical and dental treatments are excluded.

• Costs for visual aids and laser eye correction, complementary medicine treatments, prevention and health promotion are paid exclusively from the service modules “Visual aids, laser eye correction, medical prevention, complementary medicine and health promotion”, provided that services abroad are provided for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need additional outpatient insurance?
With additional outpatient insurance – also known as supplementary health insurance – you supplement your basic insurance and thus close important coverage gaps. It covers costs for complementary medicine treatments, but also contributions to fitness courses and subscriptions, medical care or treatments abroad.
When is it worth upgrading to COMPLETA Plus?
COMPLETA Plus expands the scope of coverage of COMPLETA. Additional insurance is worthwhile if health promotion services are important to you. Among other things, you will receive additional contributions for health promotion, complementary medicine, prevention as well as for glasses, contact lenses and laser eye correction.
Who can take out COMPLETA Plus?
You can take out the insurance if you live in Switzerland (official residence) and have already taken out COMPLETA supplementary insurance or apply for it at the same time as COMPLETA Plus.
How and when can I cancel the insurance?
The minimum term is one year. The contract is automatically extended for another year each year when it expires.
You can cancel the insurance on December 31st and switch to another health insurance company in Switzerland. The prerequisite is that you have no outstanding premium invoices. A notice period of three months applies. The cancellation must be received by your health insurance company by the last working day in September at the latest. If the insurance premium changes, a one-month notice period applies. The cancellation must then be received by your health insurance company by the last working day in November at the latest.
Is there a waiting period?
A waiting period is the time (from the beginning of a contract) during which you are not yet entitled to insurance benefits. The length of a waiting period can vary depending on the insurance benefit.
There is a waiting period of twelve months for laser eye correction. In this case, you can only receive benefits after the end of the first insurance year at the earliest.