Secure your future now with Pillar 3.a

Use the 3a pension funds to build up assets very flexibly - and save taxes year after year. You have the choice of how your money is invested and what amount you want to deposit.

Vorsorge 3.Säule

Your advantages with

Einfach und verständlich

Simple and understandable

Günstig dank All-in-Fee

Cheap thanks to all-in fees

Attraktive Rendite­chancen

Attractive return opportunities

Nachhaltig anlegen

Invest sustainably

Calculate your precautions

Your possible 3a assets with securities:

You are
18 Years old
Annual deposit
CHF 100
Transfer 3a assets

Best Case

CHF 34500


CHF 34500

3a Account

CHF 34500

Worst Case

CHF 34500
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Berechne deine Vorsorge
Cheap Quick and easy Take proper precautions Sustainable Everything digital
All-in-Fee Lösungen

All-in-fee solutions

The all-in-fee solutions from our partners protect you from unpleasant surprises. This way you know exactly what is going on in your securities and credit account.

Mit ist deine 3. Säule in wenigen Minuten eröffnet

With your 3rd pillar is opened in just a few minutes

The all-in fee solutions from our partners protect you from unpleasant surprises. This way you know exactly what is going on in your securities and credit account.

Gemeinsam finden wir das passende Anlageprodukt für dich

Together we will find the right investment product for you

The ultimate goal is to build your assets. Our partners' excellent investment products support both conservative and courageous investors and their goals. We always find the right investment strategy that suits you exactly.

In nachhaltige Anlageprodukte investieren

Invest in sustainable investment products

Our partners are pioneers in sustainable investments that are managed in a contemporary manner.

Mach mehr aus deiner Säule 3a.

Make more of your pillar 3a.

Do you want to have a full overview of your retirement provision at all times? With our partners you always know how your assets are developing, you can make deposits and have access to your investment strategy.

Altersvorsorge Vergleich - verschiedene Optionen

Retirement provision comparison - different options

The right precaution needs to be well planned

Switzerland's pension system is based on the 3-pillar principle: pension provision is regulated at the state, professional and private levels. These include state provision (AHV) and provision by the employer (pension fund) in the first two pillars as well as purely private provision, which forms the 3rd pillar (pillar 3A and pillar 3B). In order to ensure complete and ideal provision, adequate private provision is essential. Depending on your standard of living, salary and ideas for your own retirement, savings plans and strategies can be developed early on in order to maintain the usual standard in old age and really enjoy retirement.

Pillars 1 and 2 - the mandatory elements of retirement provision

Pillars 1 and 2 contain the pension contributions that, in principle, every employee in Switzerland receives. Every Swiss person automatically pays into the first pillar - i.e. old-age and survivors' insurance (AHV), disability insurance (IV), contributions to income replacement for military service (EO) and maternity as well as unemployment insurance (ALV). These payments are intended to ensure the minimum subsistence level in old age. The pension fund is financed via a pay-as-you-go system based on the principle of solidarity. Current pensions are paid from current income - the young pay for the old and high earners help finance low earners. This small state pension is supplemented by payments from Pillar 2 for employees. For this purpose, both employees (from the age of 17) and employers regularly pay into accident insurance and daily sickness benefit insurance. However, only if the employee's annual income is over 21,330 CHF.

Self-employed people and employees with fixed-term employment contracts of a maximum of 3 months can voluntarily insure themselves and pay in through the 2nd pillar. Pillar 2 pension arrangements are also referred to as non-mandatory pension schemes.

Säule 1 und 2 - die obligatorischen Elemente der Altersvorsorge
Selbst aktiv werden und rechtzeitig vorsorgen

Be active yourself and take precautions in good time

However, employees build up the pension benefit with the 3rd pillar. This is the purely voluntary part of retirement planning that everyone has to take care of themselves. However, it is advisable to create savings plans for the 3rd pillar so that you can start your retirement without any worries and with the necessary financial cushion. In addition, you can make savings on taxes in Pillar 3a, which you can benefit from before you retire.

Pillar 3a: Tied pension provision

Savings measures in pillar 3a are also referred to as tied pension provision because the corresponding contracts with a bank and/or insurance company are binding. Money is regularly paid into the relevant bank account or into the life insurance policy, which is then no longer freely available. Only in a few exceptional cases, such as paying off a mortgage, can the saved capital be accessed before retirement. Pillar 3a is particularly worthwhile because there are tax advantages when saving and provision is supported with federal funds. All contributions to Pillar 3a can be deducted from your taxable income when filing your annual tax return. Even if taxes are due as soon as you receive capital benefits from your pension, you benefit from these tax advantages overall.

Säule 3a: Die gebundene Vorsorge
Säule 3b: Für die bestmögliche Vorsorge

Pillar 3b: For the best possible provision

Pillar 3b provision is the icing on the cake of retirement provision. Anyone who pays into Pillar 3a and has already exhausted the maximum amount that can be claimed for tax purposes can still put more money aside for old age. This is possible under Pillar 3b, where saving is not tied to fixed contracts or forms of savings, but also does not entail any tax advantages. Many pension offerings in this pillar are very flexible and can be changed or canceled on a regular basis. Here you have more control over your saved assets than in Pillar 3a, but you also do not benefit from government subsidies.

Personal advice

Finding the right pension provision is not always easy in Switzerland due to the variety of options available. With us we will find the best options for you and help you make your retirement a pleasant one. Our advisors will work with you to create pension plans that are tailored precisely to your personal situation and needs. Make an appointment with a consultant today.

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