Optimal with high medical costs

With Multimed, you save CHF 300 on your deductible. Your Multimed practice or the telephone advisory center are your points of contact for health-related questions.

Premium calculator
  • Free, non-binding consultation
  • Medical support around the clock
  • You receive a 14% discount on the premium of your basic insurance.

This is how Multimed works.

Whether it's therapy, referral to a specialist, or hospital admission: the telemedical advisory center or your Multimed practice is your first point of contact.

Illness or

Advisory Hotline
or your
Multimed Practice


Emergency: In an emergency situation, please contact an emergency doctor or a hospital directly.


Emergency doctor
or hospital

Important: Afterwards, also report emergencies to the telemedical support or to your Multimed practice.

Insured benefits

The benefits are the same for all models of basic insurance. We reimburse the following benefits to you after deducting the statutory cost sharing (deductible / copayment / hospital cost contribution) from the Multimed insurance model.

Hospital stays in Switzerland
You will receive the costs for the stay, care, and treatment in the general ward (multi-bed room).
Foreign Protection
In the event of an emergency, you will receive the relevant social tariff in the EU/EFTA countries. In all other countries we will reimburse a maximum of twice the amount insured in Switzerland.
Transportation and rescue in Switzerland
For transport you receive 50% of the costs up to a maximum of 500 francs per calendar year. For rescue operations, we reimburse 50% of the costs up to a maximum of 5,000 francs per calendar year.
You will receive the costs for medications prescribed by a doctor that are listed in the specialty list. If several medicines with the same active ingredient composition are listed, the deductible can be 20%.
Outpatient treatments - conventional medicine
You will receive the costs according to the rate of the recognized specialist throughout Switzerland.
Outpatient treatments - complementary medicine
You will receive the costs according to the rate of the recognized specialist throughout Switzerland.
Prevention (medical care)
You will receive the costs for certain preventive examinations and measures.
Utilities and items
You will receive the costs up to the statutory maximum amount for medically prescribed aids and items.
You will receive costs for examinations and birth preparation measures.
You receive contributions towards the costs of care at home (Spitex) and in the nursing home.
Spa treatments
You will receive 10 francs per day for spa treatments in recognized spas in Switzerland.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need basic insurance?
Health insurance according to the Health Insurance Act (KVG) is mandatory for all people living in Switzerland. It guarantees basic medical care in the event of illness, accident and maternity. The scope of services is specified by law. You will therefore receive exactly the same services from every health insurance company in Switzerland.
What are the advantages of Combi Care?
You will receive an initial medical consultation by telephone – around the clock, 365 days a year or by visiting your Multimed. You also benefit from the following advantages:

The advice is free of charge for you (depending on your telephone provider, connection costs may apply).
You avoid unnecessary visits to the doctor.
The initial medical assessment is without obligation for you. You decide for yourself how to proceed.
You will receive at least. 14% discount on your basic insurance premium.
What happens if I go straight to a specialist?
By deciding on Combi Care, you have committed yourself to always obtaining an initial telephone consultation or going to your family doctor if you have any health problems. If you need a specialist, you can then make an appointment with a doctor of your choice.

If you consult a specialist directly without first consulting the advice hotline or your family doctor, you are ignoring the rules of this alternative insurance model. Visana can therefore transfer you to the standard basic insurance model. This means you will lose the discount on your basic insurance premium associated with the advice hotline model.
Is there a charge for the medical advice telephone number?
Calls to the medical advice telephone number are generally free of charge. Depending on the telephone provider, connection costs may apply.
Who can take out the insurance model with an initial telephone consultation?
All people who live in Switzerland (official residence).
Can I switch from the traditional model to the Combi Care model?
If you have basic statutory insurance with us with a deductible of 300 francs, you can switch to this alternative insurance model and take advantage of its advantages on the first of each month benefit. Please contact us if you would like to change your existing insurance.
How and when can I cancel this health insurance?
You can cancel the insurance on December 31st and switch to another health insurance company in Switzerland. The prerequisite is that you do not have any outstanding premium invoices. A one-month notice period applies. The cancellation must be received by Visana no later than the last working day in November.
What franchises are there?
Adults aged 18 and over can choose either the statutory minimum deductible of 300 francs or one of five optional deductibles between 500 and 2,500 francs. The higher your deductible, the cheaper your basic insurance premium will be.

Children have no minimum deductible. However, you can also save on premiums with an optional deductible of up to 600 francs.

Are you still undecided about which franchise makes sense in your case? Our customer advisors will be happy to help you.

Different regulations for cross-border commuters
For cross-border commuters from EU/EFTA countries, the statutory annual deductible for adults is also 300 francs per year. There is no annual deductible for children up to 18 years of age. However, elective deductibles are not permitted for cross-border commuters. You therefore have no option to choose a higher deductible in conjunction with a premium reduction.

How and when can I change my franchise?
You can increase or decrease the deductible on January 1st of the following calendar year. The following deadlines apply:

To reduce (reduce) the franchise: November 30
To increase the franchise: December 31st
Please note that the notification of the change must be received by us by the last working day before the specified date.

Different regulations for cross-border commuters
Voting deductibles are not permitted for cross-border commuters from EU/EFTA countries. You therefore have no option to choose a higher deductible in conjunction with a premium reduction.
Will I receive a premium reduction?
People whose income and assets justify financial support are entitled to a premium reduction (PV). The premium reduction is regulated differently from canton to canton. Often it only starts when the insured person makes an inquiry. It is therefore worth asking the responsible office in your canton of residence whether you are also entitled to financial support for health insurance.
How can I save on premiums?
There are several ways you can save on premiums for basic insurance.